92 research outputs found

    Le projet Aplusix

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    Sommaire du numéro :http://archive-edutice.ccsd.cnrs.fr/edutice-00000860APLUSIX est un projet de recherche dont les objectifs sont d'étudier et de modéliser les processus d'apprentissage humains ainsi que de réaliser des EIAO (Environnements Interactifs d'Apprentissage avec Ordinateur). Le domaine d'APLUSIX est composé des champs de problèmes d'algèbre se résolvant par transformation d'expressions symboliques. Actuellement, les sous-domaines abordés sont la factorisation d'expressions polynomiales et la résolution d'équations

    APLUSIX, un EIAH de l'algèbre

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    Grandbastien , Monique and Labat , Jean-Marc (Eds)International audienceCe chapitre décrit la (re-)conception de l'EIAH APLUSIX, micromonde d'apprentissage de l'algèbre pour les collèges et les lycées, ainsi que les premières expérimentations effectuées et les premiers usages observés en classe avec le produit obtenu. En particulier, ce chapitre témoigne de la tension qui existe au moment de la conception d'un EIAH entre deux problématiques, la première est liée aux objectifs d'apprentissage, la seconde concerne le développement d'une interface homme-machine (IHM). À l'intersection de ces deux domaines de recherche se trouvent les notions de micromonde et d'ergonomie notions centrales de ce chapitre

    Doing mathematics with the APLUSIX-Editor

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    International audienceThe APLUSIX-Editor is a microworld dedicated to the learning of algebra. First it includes an advanced editor that allows the student to build easily algebraic expressions. Second it reifies the student's reasoning as a linear development of equivalent steps or as a tree. Third it verifies the equivalence between the different steps during student's calculations, and gives indications about the progression of the reasoning. The first three parts of the paper present the syntactical aspect, the semantic aspect and the strategic aspect of the APLUSIX-Editor. The last parts present experiments conducted with the APLUSIX-Editor

    An Analysis of Interactive Learning Environments for Arithmetic and Algebra Through an Integrative Perspective

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    International audienceThe analysis presented in this article tries to obtain a global view of the field of interactive learning environments (ILE) dedicated to arithmetic and algebra. As preliminaries, a brief overview of evaluation methods focusing on educational software is given and a short description of ten ILEs concerned by the study is provided as a kind of a state-of-the-art. Then the methodology of ILEs analysis developed in the TELMA project is explained consisting in the design and the refinement of an analysis grid and its use on the ten ILEs is mentioned. Next, a first level analysis of results leading to a compiled, analytic and synthetic view of the ILEs available and/or missing functionalities is given. A second level of the analysis is also proposed, with two concise representations of the ILEs, composed of graphical representations of the previous results, leading to a 3D map of ILEs dedicated to arithmetic and algebra. This map provides, as promised, a global view of the field and permits to define five sorts of ILEs according to two criteria: the first one is teacher-oriented and concerns usages enabled by the ILE; the second one is student-oriented and concerns control provided by the ILE to accomplish such usages

    An Analysis of Interactive Learning Environments for Arithmetic and Algebra Through an Integrative Perspective

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    International audienceThe analysis presented in this article tries to obtain a global view of the field of interactive learning environments (ILE) dedicated to arithmetic and algebra. As preliminaries, a brief overview of evaluation methods focusing on educational software is given and a short description of ten ILEs concerned by the study is provided as a kind of a state-of-the-art. Then the methodology of ILEs analysis developed in the TELMA project is explained consisting in the design and the refinement of an analysis grid and its use on the ten ILEs is mentioned. Next, a first level analysis of results leading to a compiled, analytic and synthetic view of the ILEs available and/or missing functionalities is given. A second level of the analysis is also proposed, with two concise representations of the ILEs, composed of graphical representations of the previous results, leading to a 3D map of ILEs dedicated to arithmetic and algebra. This map provides, as promised, a global view of the field and permits to define five sorts of ILEs according to two criteria: the first one is teacher-oriented and concerns usages enabled by the ILE; the second one is student-oriented and concerns control provided by the ILE to accomplish such usages

    Helping Teachers Generate Exercises with Random Coefficients

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    International audienceFirst, we propose two taxonomies concerning software designed for teaching mathematics, which we call Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) environments, the first one concerns the teacher's place and role in TEL environments, the second one concerns the activities which are foreseen and provided by TEL environments. Second, we consider TEL environments which provide teachers with tools for building patterns of exercises used in the TEL environment to generate randomly and dynamically exercises or lists of exercises. Our approach is compared to classical approaches (based on standards like IMS-QTI or on Computer Algebra Systems)

    Analyse d'EIAH en arithmétique et en algèbre : Conception, utilisation et exploitation d'un questionnaire d'analyse d'EIAH en mathématiques à la recherche d'une classification du domaine

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    International audienceUne méthodologie de conception, d'utilisation et d'analyse synthétique des résultats obtenus après enquête sur des EIAH en arithmétique et algèbre est exposée dans cet article. Issu d'un effort interne et disciplinaire d'un ensemble d'équipes de recherche appartenant à un même projet européen, ce travail a renouvelé les genres " état de l'art " et " analyse " en introduisant des grilles d'observation concertées et structurées permettant une collecte des informations collaborative. Suite à un travail de lecture croisée, de fusion de publication et de communication de ces documents, la base d'informations obtenue a rendu possible une action d'analyse et la mise en place d'outils de synthèse qui ont finalement abouti à la constitution d'un panorama 3D des EIAH en arithmétique et en algèbre, peuplé des EIAH étudiés, menant à une classification possible des EIAH de mathématiques potentiellement applicable aux EIAH en général

    Helping Teachers Generate Exercises with Random Coefficients

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    International audienceFirst, we propose two taxonomies concerning software designed for teaching mathematics, which we call TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) environment, the first one is on teacher's place and role in TEL environments, the other one is on the activities which are foreseen and provided by TEL environments. Second, we consider TEL environments which provide teachers with tools for building patterns of exercises used in the TEL environment to generate randomly and dynamically exercises or list of exercises. Our approach is compared to classical approaches (based on standards like IMS-QTI or on Computer Algebra Systems)

    Baghera Assessment Project, designing an hybrid and emergent educational society

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    Edited by Sophie Soury-Lavergne ; Available at: http://www-leibniz.imag.fr/LesCahiers/2003/Cahier81/BAP_CahiersLaboLeibniz.PDFResearch reportThe Baghera Assessment Project (BAP) has the objective to ex plore a new avenue for the design of e-Learning environments. The key features of BAP's approach are: (i) the concept of emergence in multi-agents systems as modelling framework, (ii) the shaping of a new theoretic al framework for modelling student knowledge, namely the cK¢ model. This new model has been constructed, based on the current research in cognitive science and education, to bridge research on education and research on the design of learning environments
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